Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like...

You guessed it folks...Christmas!
We got the cool fluffy stuff that makes this town shut down and I have had a great time hanging out it in. Hasten seems to enjoy the white stuff also...although she keeps eating a bunch of it--I have no idea why. I have been playing mouth wars with her daily--and have having a good time. I really don't like her in the house. If she want to live outside or not come into the living room EVER, that would be great with me.

Here is a video clip mom caught us playing in the snow....

In addition, today, mom caught us doing something...yes, I admit it...I did lay in the same bed that she was laying is humiliating to be caught! This new tech world--you can get caught doing ANYTHING, ANYWHERE! (well, actually, if you look closer--you will see that I am in my own little bed NEXT to her bed!)

As for updates on Hasten's "training." Mom is working on quite a few things with her down in the basement...and it makes me SO MAD! I sit at the top of the stairs and bark but she ignores me. The are working on banging the teeter--which Hasten loves. Targeting, jumping and runrning down the teeter---it is only set at a 4 inch drop--so I don't know why they are so excited! In addition, she is getting a little better at "wait"---if you count milliseconds!

I have proceeded with my "get it" training. Mom changed from the nice soft stuffed dumb bell I was working with to a nyla bone--but I showed her that I could pick it up and bring it to was weird though--I didn't like how slippery and hard it was to pick up--but I got it! Take THAT! Hasten!

Anyway, I wish everyone a Happy Christmas! I will enjoy the snow and watching the squirrels--I hope all the humans have a good holiday!

Barclay, the relunctant agility dog.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

christmas directions, the clicker and other stuff

Well folks. It's final. She isn't leaving. 

Mom has been spending time with Hasten with the clicker and with...of all things...MY CHEESE! I can't believe it! She tries to be sneaky and take her downstairs but I can hear them and then I go outside and try to peek in the sliding glass doors! I AM furious! The littler twerp is getting treats!

So far she is learning some stuff like "target" and she is waving like a little freak. Mom is working on trying to get her to put her feet in a plastic box. Tonight was the 1st try and she could get two feet in...but mom had problems trying to tape and treat and the box keeps moving. HAH! Foiled! See? She isn't perfect!

We decorated our Christmas tree and we all helped. The brat was very interested in why Dad was under our tree with the lights. I know why he goes there---so I can lick his face! We are all VERY suprised that she hasn't eaten any of the ornaments..yet!

Some days--mostly in the mornings, I do actually like her. Here is a rare snap of us hanging out. That is as close as I want her hanging with me though.

That's all folks.  Mom, Dad and Samy are going away for a few days so I think I will sleep in and chase squirrels!

Barclay, Reluctant agility dog and brother of annoying Hasten

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hello folks,
It has been a while since my last post as I have been very busy, loving my sister, hating my sister and eating turkey!
1st we had a HUGE crowd of people here for this goofy holiday where people cook this gigantic chicken and eat it and MANY other things. There are a couple of good things to note here: if there is cooking--then there is dropping something on the floor. Also, if there is cooking--that usually means we get a few tastes of leftovers.

My sister Samy did a great job folding these cloth things...I think you humans call them napkins.

Humans are really kind of strange. They spend HOURS on cooking and making a pretty table for this one day and then they eat really fast and then complain the rest of the day how full they are! 

 Clearly Urie is possessed this Thanksgiving day!

Anyway, we were allowed to come out and play with people near the end.

This person on the end(right) is my dog sitter Eleonore! -

Mom got a few presents for something called "hosting."

Overall, it was a good weekend. I spent some time making Hasten think I like her by ALLOWING her to chase me.

That's all for now. More on my sister and her "learning" later--since she  CLEARLY isn't leaving anytime soon!

Barclay, the reluctant agility dog.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Progress...but who cares?

On Tuesday, Hasten went to puppy class with Wendy. Progress was reported. Everyone made such a big deal about it and compared it to that scene in the Helen Keller movie/play when Helen can finally spell W-A-T-E-R. Anyway, she was able to sit. Dumb girl. I learned that fast!

Tonight she went to class with me and my older sister Deliah.  Hasten did do a BIG tunnel. Wendy held her at one end and Mom stood at the other--it was a 25 foot tunnel and was curled around and through the A Frame. She sniffed, looked around--never looked panicked and then saw Mom and ran happily out! (The humans were VERY pleaed.) The second time she didn't even pause--just ran straight through. I guess I am going to have to tell her how to go slower through those things or act less interested or the humans will use all that eagerness!

We celebrated Deliah's 16th birthday with cheesecake for the humans and treats for us. There was a baby Boxer puppy there too--Good Grief with the puppies already! I, however, was really good in agility tonight! I ran fast and had some fun!  Here is a picture of Deliah sitting with Miss Jan.

My Dad won this goofy prize at the Mosby Dog event. It is all these toys for a puppy. Hasten played with them today.

I am signing off,
Barclay Quinn---the best agility dog out there...ok--just a nice dog.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

San Francisco

My mom abandoned us to go to a conference in San Francisco. She seems very happy. Her first night she went to her favorite chef's restaurant Fleur de Lys and had an amazing crab salad (which I didn't get), a shrimp dish (that I didn't get) and a Raspberry gratin (that I also didn't get). She also got to meet Chef  Hubert Keller.

The next day she went to his other restaurant and had a magnificent buffalo burger with a red wine reduction and sweet potatoe fries. Disgusting! She got to meet him AGAIN! He seated her at a special table and now she won't stop talking about it.
She had this amazing view of Union Square and preparations for the gigantic Macy's Christmas tree.

I figure she won't get home to play with me because she is going to be arrested for stalking!

Later people, nothing else to report. Hasten still lives with us.
Barclay Quinn

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 5...yep she's still here!

Today is the 5th day with the newly named: Wiggling, FERAL, Pirahna, Spider Monkey--named Hasten. 

Earlier this week she went to her 1st puppy obedience class w/ Wendy. She didn't really obey....but she didn't get in any fights or tear up anything.

Today, mom called her Crasten...not for Craisins...but for her craziness!

She gets really cold here at night so mom put her new sweater on her. She began to do a death roll (think alligator) and completely pulled it off while sounding something like a cross between a Gremlin's character and Linda Blair in that Exorcist movie my parents watched at Halloween!

This a picture of her upside down--finally got it off---and is now trying to eat it. Dumb girl.

This is how she sounds when she is just playing! 

Today, she also had her first kill. 

I won that giraffe at a trial! I don't want it, but it was RUDE of her to destroy it!

She has no manners, can't control herself and constantly attacks me, Deliah and my cat, Ramses. A guy can't get any respect around here!

Anyway, that is all I have to report. Mom is going out of town and God help all of us.

Sincerely thinking of leaving home,

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 2: She's still here!

Well folks, I am here to report that the new puppy that came to our house just two full days ago---IS STILL HERE! Can someone come and get her? I am DEPRESSED!
Today I have had a bad day. I have realized that she is not leaving. I will confess that I did play with her a little--but most of the time I have been sulking. She is so damn cute and happy! She is a wiggling, hyper, pirahna spider monkey!

She has received some presents. My Aunts Stephanie and Suz-Helen gave her some treats, toys and a chewy. Today, a package arrived for Aunt Kelli and Uncle Mark sent her a pink camo waterproof is very fluffy inside and I guess she needs it because the little freak has been shaking alot in the evenings here in chilly VA.

She also got a "dog pillow" and a bunch of cute toys from this place called Dog Lover Gift Baskets.

What I think she liked most was the box. Shows you how weird my sister is.

She also helped Samy do her you can see she is eating the pencil! I NEVER did anything like that!

Oh well, I am going back to bed. I have a sad face and wonder if maybe after I go to bed the doggie fairies will have taken her to someone else's house.

My worst,

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A new arrival and 1st contact.

Last night my parents and my sister Samy brought home a surprise... a baby sister(Parson Russell) !! She flew on an airplane from Santa Barbara, CA-where it was quite warm and landed at Dulles to 35 degree temps!

I was very excited to see her. She is quite cute... her name is Hasten and she chased me in the backyard today for many laps!!! It was my every dream realized! Ahhhh!

Later tonight I realized something else...she isn't leaving. Don't know how I feel about that. Will keep you posted. I don't like her touching my stuff!

Sincerely happy but also perplexed,

Barclay, the reluctant agility dog.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Costumes, tricks and treats

Happy Halloween Folks! 

This week has been filled with some interesting events.
1st it is Halloween week and my family is crazy for Halloween! We have tons of decorations and the other night Deliah and I were really happy because Mom, Dad and Samy were carving pumpkins! And we love pumpkin!

Also this week, we went to our annual agility Halloween get together. This week Wendy created a really cool course that spelled out the word Boo! At least that is what mom said, I haven't learned how to read ...YET! We also had a costume contest and my mom dressed us up as Florida Tourists! I wore my Hawaiian shirt and visor--mom made me wear sunglasses--but I HATED those--and she made me 4 little dark socks. We look REALLY goofy--but I was a good sport and pretended to be cool about it--since she seemed so excited. (Humans are so weird--I am always amazed at what they enjoy!)
My mom has legs as white as me--and I heard her tell someone tonight that this is the best tan she has had all year! Geesh!

Mom is trying to teach me something new. It is very hard for me because just earlier this year, she and dad free shaped me to learn that I have HANDS!!! It's amazing! I had NO idea! Now when the clicker comes out--I want to show them my hands!!! I can do cool stuff with them now. But this time they want me to use my mouth and it so hard! Dad made a can see me practicing.
This first one--I have a little trouble....
This one is a little better. Sometimes I just don't know what they want. I even look at Dad and say? "What the...?"

Anyway, all these festivities make me tired, so I crawled up on the couch, collected a blanket and a pillow  and took a snooze(all on top of mom's grading. is great!
Tonight, I waited in the car during Samy's football game. Mom gave me the most amazing treat... a cow esophagus! YUM! Mom couldn't look at it or touch it--but I really liked it!
Well, folks, it has been a busy week....until next time...
Barclay, the reluctant agility dog

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A week WITHOUT agility

Hi everyone!
I am reporting that I have not done agility all week. I have to say that is is kind of weird. Not once have I practiced my teeter or done the weaves! I am a little perplexed and keep following my mom around.

Some things did happen this week that were interesting. My grandmother came to visit and she isn't really used to animals in the we all go and make nice to her and love on her. Isn't that the rule? The person who likes animals the least, gets the most of the animals? Hee Hee. My brother the cat...Ramses--REALLY liked Nona. Especially her hair!

The family left us on Saturday to pick apples and visit the potato chip factory--we 4-legged creatures stayed at home.

The best part of the week was another Hike to the Shenandoah National Forest. I had the best time. I was so excited by all the wind and cool weather that I started tugging on my leash!

I really like the views! But my parents freak out when I get close to the edge!

I think I am going to a trial this weekend. Mom has started packing our agility weekend stuff! More news later...we will see how I feel this weekend!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A week of agility

This week was filled with agility stuff. Mom loaded me up with about 10 bags of stuff and took me to Kimberton, PA where we competed 3 days at the Montgomery Cluster trial.
The first day was AWFUL! It rained and was very muddy. I don't know about you, but I don't work in the rain--and I told her---by my behavior of course. I am a civilized Westie. I don't yell at my mother.
 At one time my mom and I were running the course (well, actually I was walking) and I looked up and she is wearing pants, a jacket, a hat and hood! I am am out there running/walking al naturelle! Of course I am squinting up at her wondering why I am being tortured. Even though I did NOT like the rain and mud, I was still able to win her one of those darn ribbons and Q's that she is always talking about. I got 1st place ---not that you can eat 1st place or a ribbon(well, I have heard some dogs do--but I have a discerning palate).

We went on this trip with my Aunt Stephanie and her two dogs Sassy and Parker. The picture above is Parker in her bed and swaddling(and a giant panda in the background). I like hanging out in the hotel's pretty nice there. It would be nicer if they had room service.

At the trial I also met 3 Glen of Imal's like my cousin Winston. Here are  couple pics of them.

The one above is running the course in agility--he looked pretty happy--I wonder what he takes?

On Wednesday, my FAST class challenge was going well. For those of you who don't know, there is the ritual the humans want us to perform where we work away from them---at least 15 feet. This time it was 3 jumps at wonky angles. I go the 1st one--and then I felt like I missed my mom and looked toward her. She then said "Barclay, OUT" and since that is clearly two messages in one...."Barclay"--which means "come to me" in human speak and "OUT" which means "work away from me" I chose the "come to me" one. That took a few seconds of time but I got the send---the buzzer went off so we didn't get points for it, but for a dog working with "operator trouble" I personally think I did well.

Later that day, I earned two of those coveted ribbons! At one point, my mom and I were called to the trial secretary's tent and was told I was in a tie for 2nd and 3rd and they wanted us to do a run off. My mom was smart enough to take the 3rd instead of making me run a course a 4th time in one day! We got a really pretty yellow ribbon for 3rd and a blue one for 1st in Standard class. That folks is what they call a Double Q and my mom was crazy happy about that one! That was our 7th Double Q--mom is keeping track of them for some silly probably doesn't taste good either.

We saw a beautiful rainbow on this trip---it was very pretty and most interestingly enough we saw the end! The humans were very excited and upset there was no pot of gold...guess you can't eat that either!

I also met the cutest puppies at this trial....they were baby Bedlington's and they were so cute! I was amazed at how fluffy they were. I LOVE babies!

On Thursday, I was a tad slower--3 days at a trial are VERY taxing. You get up early and wait in your crate for most of the day. A dog's life is tough! However, I was able to make  my human happy again with another Double Q.  My friends Sassy and Parker brought home ribbons and Q's too! I also got some toys that you get when you Q.

On Friday I ran the back yard, chased squirrels and just hung out. Then that evening I noticed that mom was gathering up all of our agility stuff again. Sure enough, come Saturday morning we were off to another agility trial! I did ok--but really folks, 3 days is more than enough! I got a 3rd place ribbon and Q and did enjoy running with my friend Wendy in Jumpers on Sunday. I have been feeling really itchy today and I had to stop and scratch while I was in the weave poles....that took up some time...but Wendy waited for me. Later, I ran with my sister Sammi--that was really fun too. I listened to her and was generally happy.

I am really glad that there is no agility this week! I am on Doggie Vacay!
Keep the faith my doggie friends...and hope for me that I can catch a squirrel this week!
My best,
Barclay Quinn, reluctant agility dog

Sunday, October 3, 2010

This week: Dirt, pistachios and excellent actors.

Well folks, I don't have a great deal to report. A few things are notable though...
1st I got to spend some time with some mud! That was a great time! I LOVE dirt!

Then I went to the groomer--and mom has really been watching me to see if I roll in something before we head off to Kimberton, PA for the terrier's a tough job being a Westie.

Other events of note this week include my sister Cordeliah played with me a little. She is 15 years old and lately she has been playing with me ...I don't know what's up--but it is SO much fun. Somedays it seems like she has more energy than  me! I also got to play with Sulley the adorable JRT of Aunt Stephanie's. I could play with him for hours! He was soaking wet from the amazing mouth wars we did on Friday night.

Onw night this week, Dad cut up some chicken and Deliah and watched with great hope....
But nothing very exciting happened there.

I found a pistachio shell on the floor in the kitchen and started crunching it... I really like them but mom came running in the room to try to stop me. A few days later I started choking and coughing...couldn't get the darn thing up. Mom took me to the vet on Friday... I have to tell you that place gives me the shakes!
 Dr. Arneson said I was OK---but probably had a scratchy throat. I got a shot and some antibiotics. So, word to all---keep pistachios away from us dogs! One shell costs at least $80.00 and mom complained! But she is glad I am feeling better. No more coughing or choking!

Agility this week was OK--I tried... a little. Mom's anxious about the terrier trials so I need to pay attention. I had some good contacts but I had a really hard time with a "Fred" Friday night... (a 270...but my mom doesn't do numbers so we have to call it a Fred) was really spread out and I just kept thinking I should come in to my mom...Our teacher, Wendy, asked her if she said anything to me...and she said "no."  Later she tried saying "out" and I said "why didn't you say so? and got it eventually"   Humans are just dumb. sometimes.

Finally, tonight I found something under the holly bush! It was an opossum!!! I LOVE those! So, mom saw me chasing it and called me but I was too busy to really listen---and I pounced on it, had it in my mouth and the strangest thing died.

Stopped moving...I kept staring at it and then at Mom...what's up?  Mom made me come in...and then she and Samy went outside to look...sure enough it was dead. Then my dad went out to get it and it was....GONE!!!! Mom was very happy! I am still looking for it. Any ideas? Let me know if you see it. I would like to try to play with it again.

That's all for this week...I am being dragged off to 3 days at the Terrier Trials where only us terriorists will be competing!