Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Hasten!

Hi everyone!
I have a few things to report:

So, today's my sister's 1st year birthday...big whup! She got to go to PetSmart today---so here are a few pictures of her field trip.


She couldn't decide between toys and treats...Hmphff! I would have gone for the treats! She was somewhat overwhelmed with the smells of the place, all the toys and all the treats.  Silly girl!

I went to an agility trial this weekend...with mom and Wendy and Cheetah. My first move when we checked in was to hide under the bed frog legged.  She wouldn't stop taking pictures of me so later I stayed all the way under the bed. Here's a poor quality picture taken with Mom's phone:

The first day they tried to trick me by leaving me in the hotel room but I KNEW it was an agility trial--I know what luggage and junk mom packs that means: Agility Trial! They didn't fool me at all--but I guess I was lucky as the humans complained about how hot it was and I stayed in the AC most all the day.

My friends Sully, Parker and Sassy were competing too---Parker got a 2nd place ribbon!

Mom took a picture of a thing called a Pay Phone---she thought this picture was funny--something about the sign...and the booth.  I don't get it...there is NO phone! Humans are weird! I am calling this Signs of the Times:

Bigger News:
Cheetah got her Mach 2--much excitement was generated about this event...and I must say I am really glad because I was getting tired of people talking about it! I don't know why the humans get so excited about these boring! Cheetah looked happy--and she got lots of treats and a toy. They also had cake--but Cheetah and I got none! Then Deva got her MACH 3 and there was more cake...still, we dogs got nothin'!

Saturday I ran--but didn't have too much fun. I didn't make time in Jumpers and Mom only ran a few obstacles in Standard (that was good). I have to keep the humans guessing.

Sunday for some reason I felt like running and I had a great run in Standard--at least that is what Mom said--she was VERY happy and I was 11 seconds under time--so she got one of those coveted (and far too often talked about) Q's and a 2nd place ribbon.

Here is a part of my run--mom's camera ran out of space. Wendy was in the other building where she and Cheetah were busy Q-ing in their first Time2Beat class...all my other runs (er...walks) are on her camera.

Click here: 

I will admit that I thought the course was poorly designed for a reluctant agility dog...there was a pinwheel at the end!!! Don't judges know that I can tell if a course is fun or not? No place for me to open up--no straight line to see---but I actually enjoyed it because I CAN count and knew it was the end...but mom didn't get that part on camera...a true historical moment as I HATE pinwheels!!! People--going in circles is NOT fun!!! 

Here's a picture of us getting ready to leave---I decided to take a little "rest."

Overall, it was an OK weekend. I got LOTS of treats and I didn't have to see my sister for 3 days!! Can't really complain...well, yeah--I can and will--that's what this blog is all about! Right?

Later Peeps! 
Barclay...the reluctant agility dog

Monday, July 18, 2011

Of Pond Scum and Tandem Agility

Hi folks! 
First, I want to address the most recent videos on Dramatic Irony of me playing with my sister. My mother clearly took the blog away from me and leaked those videos without my permission. Very embarrassing! Here is my official statement: I was forced to play with her! I WAS FRAMED!!!

Today, Hasten went with mom, Wendy and Cheetah to Ms. Barbara Hunter's farm. Hasten went to do agility but she also took some time to get in the disgusting pond!! She found out that swimming isn't that great---but unfortunately and completely just like her...she liked all the water and the black gunky pond scum stuff! Ick! HAve I mentioned that my sister is WEIRD?
Here's the link:

My mom was out trying to work with Hasten on agility for her dinner and I decided that I wanted to play. Look--I know how it sounds friends, but there was FOOD involved. So, I went out and played a little. 

Here's the link to click: 

That's all folks!!! 
Barclay the Reluctant Agility Dog

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Water, Water Everywhere

And REALLY not a DROP to Drink! (I'll explain later!)

Hi Folks!
I am reporting on the week events and the big news was my sister Hasten was reprieved from her Xpen incarceration.  She also had to wear a cone of silence at night---but as you can doesn't work. My parents should get a refund!

Click on this link below:

So, her big day of freedom arrived. Mom and Dad we SO happy! You can click on this link and see her happiness...she really wanted to play with me but also didn't know what to do with her kooky self!

Click on this link:

We also had a small pool introduced to her...I personally don't like to get in water much--maybe a stream or occasionally a lake or beach--but I don't want to swim. I don't get why Mom thinks this is so important!

A man can't even get a decent drink of water...every time I try she digs and splashes it everywhere! It's SO annoying!

Anyway, here's her in the water...embarrassing! Perhaps she will get in more later...I just wish she wouldn't try to play with me later...she gets me all wet!!!

Click on this link:

Here's one more clip that Mom really likes....

Don't think she is so innocent by this picture! 

Ciao! Barclay, the Reluctant Agility Dog