Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A celebration

Hi folks!
I am here reporting on the agility trial that my mom made me go to on Sunday. The good news was that I had a day all to mom and I got to eat a huge amount of treats!!!

The first run I did seem to have fun...I don't know what came over me...but I was under time by 10 seconds. Mom was very happy! I Q'd!

For the Jumpers class it was beginning to get warm in the other building and I was slower---also the course was a bunch of circles! I HATE circles! Why can't judges make lots of straight lines and fun courses?

Below is the link to my runs. Mom was VERY happy. I am glad I could give her a Double Q on her birthday!
Click here:


Finally, the rest of the week has been pretty boring...a little too hot to do much outside, but Dad and Sam finished installing our new crates in the new agility ride!

Peace Out!
Barclay, the reluctant agility dog

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In Memory

Last week, my sister Cordeliah died. She was 16 years and 7 months old and the sweetest dog I have ever known. This is a short tribute to her for putting up with me and defending me against Montgomery those first few years we all lived together. 

Here she is a tiny puppy---we had NO idea she would be a blond. 
Sven was so young (5) in this shot! (He turns 21 tomorrow)

Scott has always taken playing with all of the children seriously!
 Here he and Deliah tug.

Here she is at 10 months next to Mom's Grandmother's quilt.

Trek was always a strange kitty--he loved to hide under rugs and stare at walls--Here Deliah is trying to help save that kitty!

Sweet Babies!

A day at the Pensacola Bluffs...with both dogs and children

Deliah and Montgomery (she was 2 1/2, he was 1 1/2).

 Fall 2010 Just after a really short hair cut!
Except for the cataracts, she looks like a puppy!

Her favorite place...hanging out in dad and mom's room on her big bed.

 One of mom's favorite shots--
Deliah never liked toys---until she was about 13 years old. 
Mom had put out all my toys I had won at trials. Deliah jumped up on the bed and picked one---and it was HERS!

 Hangin' with the family in the living room.

 Why do humans take us to the groomer?

 Deliah at a party for her 16th birthday at the agility building. Miss Jan is holding her.

Christmas 2010

Here is short clip of Deliah and Tegan (both old girls)


 in April at Camp Pendleton (Our friend Wendy's place)

Bye Bye Deliah! You are missed!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Of Cones and Chicken

Greetings Blog Readers of All Species!

I am writing today to talk about my sister Hasten and a visitor.
But first, I want to share the link to one of the runs I had in Fredericksburg, VA on Memorial Day weekend. Mom was so excited about our Double Q so here it is:

Memorial Day Trial Sunday runs

Next, Hasten had surgery and life is pretty crazy around here. She keeps tearing off her bandages and now is wearing a Cone of Shame --or as Dad calls it the Cone of Silence---she is quite bored now and is reaching optimum crazy level and it hasn't even been a week! I am not looking forward for the time when she is off leash and out of the Xpen--she will drive me crazy!

In addition, last night Mom saw a chicken on the side of the road. Since this is a poultry town, there are many stories of chickens escaping the dreaded trucks that haul them to their demise. This was one such chicken. She and Samy chased it down and caught it and brought it home. We wanted to name her something that represented her being saved ...like Redeemed or Ms. Freedom but my Aunt Kelli said to name her Mrs. Chicken McNuggets...

I have been obsessed with her for the past day--I checked on her all evening--tried to find ways of getting to her (she was on the front porch) I even tried to go behind the big TV/Entertainment center---to see if there was a secret passageway to the porch--but alas they kept me from her. They did move her so I could look at the window and check on her regularly.

Sadly I have to report, that although she made it through the morning and seemed ok--she died before noon today. Sad. I keep looking for her....

That's all for now folks!
Barclay, the Reluctant agility dog...but if they had animals in agility (besides dogs) that would be cool!