Monday, July 18, 2011

Of Pond Scum and Tandem Agility

Hi folks! 
First, I want to address the most recent videos on Dramatic Irony of me playing with my sister. My mother clearly took the blog away from me and leaked those videos without my permission. Very embarrassing! Here is my official statement: I was forced to play with her! I WAS FRAMED!!!

Today, Hasten went with mom, Wendy and Cheetah to Ms. Barbara Hunter's farm. Hasten went to do agility but she also took some time to get in the disgusting pond!! She found out that swimming isn't that great---but unfortunately and completely just like her...she liked all the water and the black gunky pond scum stuff! Ick! HAve I mentioned that my sister is WEIRD?
Here's the link:

My mom was out trying to work with Hasten on agility for her dinner and I decided that I wanted to play. Look--I know how it sounds friends, but there was FOOD involved. So, I went out and played a little. 

Here's the link to click: 

That's all folks!!! 
Barclay the Reluctant Agility Dog

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