Sunday, September 9, 2012

Where did August go?

Hi everyone!!!

The past month has flown by and I don't know why I haven't had time to write. I have been busy with squirrel chasing and opossum hunting that my days and nights seem to fly by. However, I will say that I am so glad we had a cool day today!!! It has been so hot, even I don't want to hang out outdoors until dark! Today it was a lovely 75 degrees. When we went for our walk--it was 62! This was our first cool walk in a long time since Mom missed all the spring walks with her hideous ankle.

There were some signs of fall:

Are you seeing an optical illusion? No--just a really large tree
 that fell down in the forest during our big July storm.
 Here is Hasten playing in the stream...she is really crazy for water... Just click below.

I however, act proper when I see water.

We had a great time on the trails tonight!! Wish the days weren't getting shorter!
The bouncy bridge!

Do you know that when we hit the trail, we are tied to our Mom's waist?
Exciting Times!

I did go to an agility trial last weekend but was at least 1 second over time...the interesting part of this experience was that I ran 3 runs with Dad! I had one great run with Dad and would have Q'd but he was late on his front cross and I dropped a bar. That's OK Dad--it happens.
Running with Dad was fun and different but it didn't make me want to rush around the ring. I just take my time--don't see any reason to hurry. I still get treats so, why not take your time?

Hasten on the other hand was the busy bee. She Q'd in Standard both days and earned her first Q in FAST class. She looked very happy...and she jumped in the green water holding pond. ICK!

My baby brother is really growing and he is ridiculously loud! Here both of the noisy children are helping Mom with the laundry:

Guess what? I turned 8 this week. Wasn't I a cute baby?

This birthday thing seemed to make a big hulabaloo with the humans--I didn't realize that there was anything that spectacular but I got lots of good things. We went for ice cream puppy cups at Brewsters.

I gobbled mine up in a flash!

Ciaran took a little while longer.

For the 1st time in my sister's life, she was a dainty eater!

 I also went shopping at Petsmart. Just an average birthday for an above average dog!

I forgot to tell you! I killed a nightime marauder that was threatening my space!
Mom said I "murdered a young opossum" I was just doing my job! Don't be hatin'!

Good Night Folks!
Reluctant Agility Dog

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